03:34duration 3 minutes 34 seconds
Intelligent Agents - Part I
This video takes faculty through some background…
09:00duration 9 minutes 0 seconds
Discussion topics
This video takes faculty through the steps to…
05:04duration 5 minutes 4 seconds
Discussion forums
04:13duration 4 minutes 13 seconds
Intelligent agents (Pedagogical)
This video provides faculty with a brief…
03:17:27duration 3 hours 17 minutes
The Art of Marketing and Communications in SEM…
The Art of Marketing and Communications in SEM Planning
During the past several years, the colleges and…
22:54duration 22 minutes 54 seconds
Evaluating using Rubrics to Enhance Communication…
Evaluating using Rubrics to Enhance Communication with Students
17:24duration 17 minutes 24 seconds
Create Rubrics to Enhance Learner Engagement and…
Create Rubrics to Enhance Learner Engagement and Success
18:58duration 18 minutes 58 seconds
Communicating with student using Intelligent…
Communicating with student using Intelligent Agents